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‘Yes’ to retain Judge Woods

Wow. In 27 years of living in Durango, I've thankfully not witnessed such vitriol tossed around as what is currently happening in the case of Judge Anne Woods. I do know Anne and her family personally, and find her to be very smart, compassionate, open-minded and fair. Her skill set and commitment to her chosen field are impressive.

Jails and prisons nationwide are beyond capacity and I believe today's judges, prosecuting attorneys and defense attorneys are all struggling to find the right balance between the easy answer of incarceration versus rehabilitation. Regrettably, our country as a whole currently falls short in effective rehabilitation.

Unless an individual has personally tracked every single case she has been involved with over the past few years, it seems very wrong (and inaccurate) to continually hammer the same couple of cases where a personal grievance prevails, then generalizations are applied unilaterally to her entire performance.

There are professionals whose actual job it is to perform such analysis, specifically the Judicial Review Commission. The commission’s consensus regarding this young judge is that she be retained.

Let's respect the “verdict” of those who have exhaustively researched all aspects of her job performance and have issued a nod of approval. Vote yes to retain Judge Anne Woods.

Linda Buzzalini
