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And the West is History

And the West is History: Girl Scout Float in Fiesta Parade – 1969

And the West is History: DHS Football Game at Fairgrounds – Ca. 1925

And the West is History: Electra Lake Performers – Ca. 1935

And the West is History: La Plata County Fairgrounds – 1974

And the West is History: Parade, 800 Block of Main Avenue – 1911

And the West is History: Corner of 31st Street and West Second Ave. – 1994

And the West is History: Refrigerator Car Loaded for Leadville – Ca. 1916

And the West is History: Basin Drive-In – 1950

And the West is History: 4th of July Burro Race Winner – 1888

And the West is History: Train Crossing 12th Street - 1966

And the West is History: 11th Street Station – 1932

And the West is History: Removing Power Poles on Main – 1924

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