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Sneaky sources of hidden dairy

If you thought gluten is in everything, you’re right. But here’s the bad news – dairy is, too. So, if you’re allergic to milk and its by-products, or merely intolerant, it’s wise ...

Allergy or intolerance – which is it?

Drinking milk can give your system fits, everything from gas to nausea to diarrhea. But that doesn’t mean you’re allergic to dairy. While the symptoms may seem like a typical food...

Fat-free is fake (and unhealthy)

Here we go again. The latest food that was once considered verboten is now being touted as, well, not so bad. Welcome back, butter. Researchers looked at 72 studies produced in re...

Gluten-free: More than a trend?

The Girl Scouts just introduced a gluten-free chocolate chip cookie. Vodka makers are touting their gluten-free versions. And manufacturers of naturally gluten-free products like potato chip...

Food safety tips for popular proteins

So, just how long can you keep that chicken breast you meant to grill yesterday without fear of food poisoning? What about uncooked ham? And that American breakfast staple, milk? ...

Is that wine past its prime?

So you have had that great California Cab laying down for 10 years, just like the salesman told you to do. The big day arrives – your birthday, say – and you uncork it to blissful...

How to feed a hungry meter

You’re meeting a friend for coffee at one of Main Avenue’s many fine spots for a mid-day break. You go to use your new card for the parking meter the city started offering recently. ...

Even more fresh fish at Sunnyside Farms

For all you pescetarians out there, Sunnyside Farms Market brings us good news – you can buy fish and seafood at their Nature’s Oasis location three times a week instead of just two. ...

Great soup starts with homemade stock

A good soup is a wonderful thing, but a great soup is even better, and that requires making your own stock. I know, I know, it seems daunting and time consuming to go to all that ...

Something new is brewing in Bayfield

Bayfield finally has its own brewpub, with the intriguing name of Bottom Shelf Brewery. “We consider ourselves the antithesis to the beer snob,” said Greg Allen who owns the new w...

Staying sharp

What’s the best way to sharpen a knife at home? Barry Owen, owner of Columbine Sharpening (he has a stand at the Durango Farmers Market), showed me how. Most knife set...

Which kitchen knife is best for you?

Ceramic or steel, that is the question. Many home cooks wonder which material is better suited to their kitchen. Here are a few things to consider when you’re choosing knives for ...