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One member of Colorado’s congressional delegation voted against her party 25% of the time

Another ranked 26th among 433 House members for absences

Lauren Boebert’s narrow victory confirmed by mandatory recount

Democrat Adam Frisch conceded on Nov. 18 after it became clear he couldn’t win

Boebert to represent western states on House Republican Policy Committee

Congresswoman promises to promote ‘conservative values’

Election officials formally order recount in Boebert-Frisch race

3rd Congressional District congresswoman leads by 550 votes; new tally not expected to change outcome

Lauren Boebert defends her past anti-LGBTQ and anti-trans tweets

‘What I've criticized is the sexualization of our children,’ congresswoman tells KOA radio

Local Dems OK with Adam Frisch’s decision to concede before recount

‘It’s the right thing to do, if you know you’ve lost an election’

Lauren Boebert narrowly wins reelection after Adam Frisch concedes

Congresswoman’s slim margin of victory over Democratic challenger shocked Colorado political world

What would trigger a recount in the close race between Lauren Boebert and Adam Frisch?

3rd Congressional District contest was separated by 557 votes Thursday afternoon

Inside the frantic effort to count every ballot in the Frisch-Boebert race

Outcome could determine which party controls U.S. House

Adam Frisch remains hopeful in underdog race that became a ‘national conversation’

CD-3 candidate shares campaign strategy and what he expects as final votes are counted

Rep. Lauren Boebert inches into lead over Adam Frisch in U.S. House race

Congresswoman says lack of ‘enthusiasm for our top ticket candidates’ may be to blame for close race

Meet Adam Frisch, the candidate who shocked Lauren Boebert

Aspen resident logged more than 23,000 miles and attended hundreds of community events