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Colorado cities still not allowed to authorize ‘overdose prevention centers’

House Bill’s failure comes amid a string of defeats for state’s progressive Democrats

Colorado rent control bill fails in committee

One of the panel’s Democrats joined Republicans to kill legislation: ‘This one’s really hard for me’

As bill clears Colorado Senate, concern lingers over wolf reintroduction delays

Advocates say the state legislation could incidentally interfere with timeline

Colorado Democrats want to protect residents from the next spike in energy bills

Legislation would limit investments in natural gas, ensure ratepayers don’t pay for corporate advocacy

Colorado legislature plans to form Colorado River task force

Legislative leadership are looking to a 15-member task force to recommend solutions

Colorado gun control bills progress; semi-auto ban unlikely

A marathon hearing drew hundreds of people hoping to speak for and against legislation

Falsely reporting an active shooter is on track to become a felony in Colorado

Senate Bill 249 comes in response to an increase in fake reports

Gov. Jared Polis trims bill making gun industry lawsuits easier

Rules intended to further require gun sellers to block children and criminals from obtaining weapons were stripped from the legislation

Stalled Colorado transportation legislation finds new traction

Concern about rural areas not having an equal voice and losing funds to metro areas addressed

What’s a ‘reasonable’ rent increase? Courts often must interpret vague language in laws

Sometimes the ambiguity is intentional, other times it is a mistake

School voucher, tax cut measures floated by Colorado conservatives for 2024 ballot

Charter schools will also get hearing this week

Colorado is expected to return $2.7 billion to taxpayers

If the Legislature doesn’t act, the TABOR surplus will be returned through checks tied to taxpayers’ income levels