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Colorado hospitals that refuse services, like tying tubes, will have to say so publicly

Legislation will require providers to notify patients about certain types of care they do not provide

Colorado cities still not allowed to authorize ‘overdose prevention centers’

House Bill’s failure comes amid a string of defeats for state’s progressive Democrats

Colorado Democrats want to protect residents from the next spike in energy bills

Legislation would limit investments in natural gas, ensure ratepayers don’t pay for corporate advocacy

Colorado gun control bills progress; semi-auto ban unlikely

A marathon hearing drew hundreds of people hoping to speak for and against legislation

Stalled Colorado transportation legislation finds new traction

Concern about rural areas not having an equal voice and losing funds to metro areas addressed

Colorado House Democrats limit debate on gun bills to stop GOP weekend filibuster

Republican oppose move as attempt to silence ‘voice of the minority’

Disability rights activists have ambitious goals for Colorado, from outdoor recreation to the halls of government

Supporters say it’s the most ambitious slate of proposals in recent history

La Plata County commissioners against proposed state gun restrictions

House bill would allow counties to further regulate where firearms may be discharged

Right-to-repair bill for farming equipment advances out of Colorado House

Second right-to-repair legislation from Rep. Brianna Titone

Tracey Bernett’s mileage reimbursements were early indication of her falsified residency

Boulder County Democrat didn’t report fewer miles traveled after purportedly moving

Bill to discourage Colorado police from lying to minors advances in House committee

Lawmakers worry juveniles respond differently to law enforcement than adults

Two handguns stolen from truck outside Colorado Capitol

Incoming GOP state representative says both guns were unloaded and secured with trigger locks