
What have you learned about yourself during this pandemic?

At one of those BYOB/backyard, socially distanced happy hours, a friend asked the question: “What have you learned about yourself during this pandemic?” I thought it was a brilliant question...

2020: A season of loss

It truly is a season of loss. Loss of our freedom and casualness to just come and go as we please. It’s a loss of seeing people we love and groups of people we’re used to meeting with. It’s ...

A rallying cry for our health and the community’s health

Sadly, I fear that we are experiencing another division between us during this pandemic. There is political discord, racial inequity, economic disparity, differences in the care ...

Can this time of uncertainty lead to transformation?

What if ... we chose to see this virus moment and this people’s revolt as an opening – a moment long enough to see ourselves, see the systems we’ve lived under for so long, and see our cultu...

COVID-19: Looking at death in the face

During this time of staying in (both in my house and in myself), I’ve come face to face with death. I have not gotten the virus, and I thank my lucky stars for that, but it’s bro...

Coronavirus: Fear and contraction, and hope and possibility

I think it’s Saturday – hard to know – the days are all the same now. This recent health crisis has brought up lots of emotions for everyone, young and old. Most people have a cer...

Outgoing or quiet, where are you?

Where are you on the spectrum of solitude, or being out in the community interacting with others? Has our line between introversion and extroversion changed as we age? Many of us ...

Choosing a rational suicide after a complete life

There is a difference between committing suicide and an elder choosing to end their life to avoid continued suffering from terminal illness. We regularly hear in the news about p...

Doctor appointments are becoming a way of life

I’ve decided to get all my medical appointments done in December and January, to start the year out healthy. It seems like many of us are going to more and more appointments the o...

Watching the Mercury transit and seeing our fragile condition

Fort Lewis College professor Charlie Hakes, who writes the astronomy column for The Durango Herald, set up a solar telescope with two different viewing lenses and filters in the third-floor ...

Avoiding and accepting pain as we get older

In October, I wrote about my recent accident, the broken ribs, and only touched on the pain that came with it. Pain deserves its own column, as many of us are living with chronic pain, and a...

As we get older, accidents will happen

There I was, having such a fun summer swimming at the lake, traveling, seeing family and dear friends, and eating summer’s bounty. Then – oops – I had a paddleboarding accident and fractured...