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Setting goals

I have heard it said, and I agree, when someone starts to fly fish they go through a series of self-imposed goals. First, they want to be able to master a cast. Little do they kn...

Solutions for high water

For some time, those of us that fly fish have been hoping for wetter falls, winters and springs. If you haven’t noticed, we finally got our wish. It is now May, and the ski area ...

The White River, in Arkansas

I am a member of an exclusive fly fishing club from Texas, known as the Wulff Pack. The only requirement for membership is that you can fog a mirror. Recently, I was assigned the task to be ...

Four-wheel low

When I have to put my truck into four-wheel low to get out of my driveway, I know the dreaded disease of, “There’s no where to fly fish” is about to overtake me. She who must be ...

I got new fly fishing gear, now what?

For some reason you received a new fly rod, reel, line, leaders and some flies for Christmas. You received these items because you either asked for them or a friend or significant other want...

It’s a new year ... now what?

Christmas has come and gone, and as usual, most of the items on my wish list are still there. We don’t have world peace, hunger is still around, happy political parties are still...

What I want for Christmas

I’m no different from my friends. I’d love to open the paper on Christmas day and see that world peace had broken out, hunger was now gone and that the United States now had political partie...

I’m still thankful

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love Thanksgiving. There’s turkey and all the fixins; friends and family to share it with; an opportunity to serve meals to those who...

I know stuff about fly fishing

As you read this, I have successfully moved from being a sexagenarian to being a septuagenarian. One definition of my new designation is that “I am now in an age of decreased mobility.” ...

The MMM fly

Have you ever been fly fishing with a good friend or guide who is really good at selecting the correct fly, time-after-time? But, on a slow day, she may open every box in her ves...

The Brotherhood of the Jungle Cock

Back in June, when for some reason I couldn’t get out to fly fish, I was channel surfing and found the Outdoor channel. As fate would have it, a show about the life of Joe Brooks was just be...

Life, lemons and Echo Reservoir

When I was growing up, I was always told, “When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade.” That’s great for children. However, as I have aged and matured, when life hands me a lemon, I now put ...