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The mental health and diet connection

Believe it or not, your emotional state has a lot to do with how healthy your gut is. Every part of your body works together as one system; if one element is out of balance, it wi...

The skinny on intermittent fasting

It seems these days that everyone I chat with has questions about intermittent fasting. As simple as “just not eating” sounds, there is an art and science behind it. Abstaining fr...

Igniting the fat burn

The majority of us struggle to attain our optimal weight. We try our best to follow the conventional guidelines with which we are inundated. We are told to move more, eat less, th...

Are you an athlete? Eat this!

We now know that exercise is primarily a wellness tool and will not help most of us lose excess body fat. But, let’s say you are a professional athlete, or perhaps a recreational athlete, fo...

The saboteur within us all

We all have one. That voice that frequently pops into our mind and fills us with fear, doubt, worry and more. The mind is truly the one and only thing that can demolish our best intentions. ...