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Birds on the brain

Backyard Bird Count chance to connect with your winged neighbors

U.S. Senate nixes recreation bill

Recreation bill fails by 1 vote

Water conservation bill moves forward

Sen. Ellen Roberts at odds with fellow Republicans

Feds pushed on land-conservation program

U.S. Sen. Bennet concerned about bureaucratic hurdles

Fight heats up over Gunnison sage-grouse

DENVER – The old adage in the West is that “whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over.” Enter the Gunnison sage-grouse. The chicken-sized bird with spiky tail feathers a...

Oxbow bird study shows wide diversity

Preserve to close from Dec. 1 until June 30 for more research

Private preservation

Landowners help to fight sprawl, receive tax credits

Holdings in Horse Gulch expanding

City of Durango seeking grant from Great Outdoors Colorado

Film night to celebrate open space

Local landowners to tell their conservation stories

Environmental group scores lawmakers

Sen. Ellen Roberts ranks high for GOP

La Plata Open Space celebrates gift

Donors asked to give now for matching $50,000 grant

River groups could get funding

New conservation grants being offered to Colorado River entities