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It’s back to school for hundreds of Durango School District 9-R students

Kindergarten teachers meet with parents to discuss importance of first year

New school year comes with upgrades for Durango students

Security and parking improvements prioritized during summer remodels

Ascent appeals Durango 9-R’s denial of charter school application

Classical academy says review process was unfair; review hearing set for Sept. 14

Photos: Finishing touches ahead of new school year

Nonprofit offers alternative teaching programs to increase educator retention

New state law allows for a stipend up to $22,000 for teacher trainees

Durango School District upgrades campus entryways for safety

Vestibules designed to improve security and eliminate distractions

Durango School District 9-R plans to update facilities policy

School district to clarify how property can be used, distribution of literature guidelines

Three recent Durango High School graduates observe election process from the inside

‘With everything that happened in 2020, I wanted to just see the process for myself,’ says Tommy Pope, age 18

Durango School District 9-R student achievement scores improve

Students show growth in reading and math in 2021-22

Durango High School career innovation center to break ground in September

Former student plays crucial role in building’s development

Hundreds of students will have access to free lunches this summer in Durango

Durango School District 9-R coordinates with U.S. Department of Agriculture to help fight food insecurity

Ascent Classical Academy responds to denial of charter school application

CEO believes Durango School District 9-R didn’t give a fair review