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Dollar’s rise should help consumers

There’s a lot going on at home and in the world these days. But the rising value of the dollar sticks out for economists. Yes, there’s news like U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s announcement ...

Train ridership up 4 percent this year

Marketing, word-of-mouth and positive tourism drive numbers

Tourism boosts La Plata County economy in July

Energy decline still a drag on coffers

Lawmakers preparing to trim state services

Lackluster economy forces tough decisions in Denver

Montezuma County broadband project still alive, but hinges on opt-out vote

$39M plan is alive, hinges on repealing development limits

Historic apple orchards begin comeback in Montezuma County

Group works to return vitality to orchard industry

Active drilling rigs absent from San Juan Basin

New wells drive employment and offset depletion of active wells

Tourist season may be gaining steam in Durango

Colorado sets tourism records in 2015

Western coal mines scaling operations back, shutting down

High-paying jobs are disappearing

Sales taxes dip, lodgers taxes strong

Business Improvement District expects more growth

Yellen offers subtle change to outlook

Expects job growth to slow inflation to rise

Residents share ideas on north Main Avenue development

Thriving, attractive artery could help reduce sprawl