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Free reusable bags available at various locations in Durango

Revenue collected from plastic and paper bag fees to fund waste-reduction efforts

What was the social impact of Gold King?

Environmentally, the spill was negligible. But seeing a mustard-yellow river spurred action to clean up mines

Colorado is falling behind on its mandate to cut greenhouse gases

New state assessment shows big gaps in goals for transportation emissions

Microplastics are seemingly everywhere – including Colorado’s snowpack

Samples find growing rate of shredded plastic fibers

San Juan Mountains Association hosts events with ultrarunners Kilian Jornet, Dakota Jones

Conservation group will guide trail work in Silverton ahead of the Hardrock 100

How citizen scientists are testing our streams and rivers for contamination

Mountain Studies Institute, Fort Lewis College partner to measure E. coli in San Juan National Forest’s waterways

Could prescribed burns curb the health impacts of wildfires?

Controlled fire seen as a tool to mitigate some of the harm, report says

Smoke, dust darken Durango skies

Fires burning in Arizona linked to Monday’s haze in Southwest Colorado

Durango adopts new plan to guide sustainability efforts

City introduces ‘green’ grants and business certification programs

Animas River water quality is improving in Durango, study shows

Upgrades to city’s treatment plant benefit aquatic life, recreation

EPA: Uranium waste pond at White Mesa, Utah, out of compliance

Containment cell supposed to be covered in water to reduce radon emissions; Energy Fuels says material is exempt

Bulkheads caused the Gold King Mine spill. Could they also be part of the solution?

Remediation tool can limit acidic drainage, but experts must also understand the complicated hydrology