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1,900-acre solar project proposed south of Hesperus would be among state’s largest

Development would include battery storage and enough energy to power 56,000 homes annually

Colorado begins review of former Indian boarding school in Hesperus

‘We just need to keep teaching and talking about it so that this never happens again,’ said state Rep. Barbara McLachlan

Hesperus woman sentenced for Albuquerque bank robbery

Moore receives 52 days of time served, probation and community service

Sentencing for Hesperus bank robber is pushed to June 29

Keylee Rose Moore faces up to 25 months for robbery last June

One killed, five injured in head-on crash near Hesperus on U.S. Highway 160

Chief and EMS captain of Pleasant View Fire Department suffered serious injuries

What dog breeds are most popular in La Plata County?

Pet registry may reveal more than we think about local communities

Hesperus Ski Area expands hours, opens daily

Snowstorms allow slopes to operate every day starting Thursday

Low-pressure storm brings 6-9 inches of snow to parts of Southwest Colorado

Another small blast of moisture expected early Monday

Snow misses lower elevations but slams mountains

‘Southwest flow’ and banding limited accumulations

Winter weather could bring feet of snow to parts of Southwest Colorado

Wolf Creek Pass could see up to 50 inches

Hesperus woman killed in crash in southwest La Plata County is identified

Heather Taylor, 29, had four children, did online sales and was active with church

What role can bison play in the future of sustainable ranching?

Operation in Hesperus models regenerative agriculture to guide a new generation of ranchers