
We need a legal shift on carbon release

Our Children’s Trust is a group of climate change workers seeking to “elevate the voice of youth to secure the legal right to a stable climate and healthy atmosphere for the benefit of all p...

We wish all the best to Scott Cooper

I was saddened to read that Dolores schools superintendent Scott Cooper is heading to greener pastures (Journal, May 2). I hope that this move is in his best interest, rather tha...

School district decision is discriminatory

My name is Brooklynn Martin and I have a 5-year-old son who is on the autism spectrum. Being the mother I am, I got him into the best school district in my area, Mancos, and I dr...

Tipton not voting in our best interests

The House of Representatives voted on a bill on June 8 that would dismantle the 2010 Wall Street reform legislation, known as the Dodd-Frank Act. Dodd-Frank imposes important rul...

Teachers are the backbone of democracy

On Thursday evening, May 25, I had the pleasure of attending the Montezuma-Cortez High School graduation ceremony. I listened, watched and appreciated another example of what makes this comm...

Tipton, Gardner will regret methane votes

In some twisted way, perhaps it doesn’t matter that Sen. Cory Gardner ignored more than 10,000 calls, emails and faxes asking him to vote “no” on the repeal of the Methane Rule. ...

Reception in Mancos less than cordial

We live near Prescott, Ariz., and feel we must move due to explosive growth, invasions by West and East Coast liberals, and a city and county close to bankruptcy. Recently, I sen...

Town board needs to explain its decision

Imagine the collective shock and disappointment as the townspeople of Mancos heard that a popular town administrator had been asked to resign. Granted, the Mancos code states tha...

Fake news should not include the gospel

Leigh Waggoner’s column (Journal, Mar. 14) was an attack on New Testament Christianity. Professing to be a Christian minister, she presents Jesus as a spiritual guru come to teach a message ...

Coram’s charter school vote was wrong

State Senator Don Coram (R-Montrose) recently wrote a guest column regarding his vote on Senate Bill 61, the bill to equalize funding for public charter school students in Colorado. ...

Help is available for domestic violence

Following a recent trial verdict concerning domestic violence that took place in Montezuma County, we, at Renew/WINGS Safehouse, want the community to know that we are available with free an...

Lend support to birth control bill

I want to call attention to a bill that is currently making its way through the Colorado Legislature and is co-sponsored Rep. Don Coram, R-Montrose. HB 1194 is sponsored by Coram and co-spon...