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What do panhandlers want?

Sometimes it’s money or a job. On a bad day, even a smile works

Residents identify top health concerns in two-county region

Suicide, substance abuse and lack of affordable housing lead survey

Health may improve as regional poverty rates fall

La Plata County ranks 16th for health, Montezuma is 50th

What’s the life expectancy in your neighborhood?

Poverty, income and education may contribute to trends

Stocking food banks with fresh produce helps farmers and the disadvantaged

State awards $22,000 to help bring healthier meals to service providers

Housing needed to solve homelessness, advocate says

White paper breaks down citations issued for violating no-camping ban

Author and activist Chuck Collins to address inequality

Chuck Collins to discuss community-driven solutions

Successful fundraiser to house homeless woman inspires campaign

Yearlong effort starts with party Sunday at Fort Lewis College

Second phase of Lumien Apartments approved

Housing will include nine units to help homeless people

Statewide plan sets five-year goal to end hunger

Emphasis on increasing enrollment in federal aid programs

Durango businesses post anti-loitering signs. But are they enforceable?

Makeshift posters try to deter panhandling, leaning against buildings

Durango Planning Commission approves city housing plan

New high set for permitted units