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Mask-wearing requirement remains in place for Durango, but that may end soon

City Council to examine easing ordinance Tuesday

Coloradans will be allowed to go mask-free in almost all settings, governor says

Alterations follow new guidance from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Durango 12- to 15-year-olds roll up sleeves for shot in the arm

Vaccination clinics in La Plata County open to adolescents

Colorado vaccine bus rolls into Bayfield

Mobile program distributes thousands of doses statewide

12- to 15-year-olds can receive shots in Archuleta, La Plata counties

Three clinics with Pfizer vaccine offered this week

Ignacio selects new school board member

Appointee hopes to represent home-schoolers

Nine active COVID outbreaks in La Plata County

Most recent cases reported at Durango Kia and Home Depot

J&J vaccinations resume in Durango

Health director says nationwide pause shows safety procedures work

Polis drops mask mandate for indoor spaces where at least 80% of people are fully vaccinated

Stricter rules still apply in La Plata County

Nine active outbreaks reported in La Plata County

A total of 86 cases identified

More than 50% of eligible population has received vaccine in Archuleta, La Plata counties

San Juan Basin Public Health announces multiple vaccine clinics this week

Durango charter school does nasal swabs every day

‘We’re all negative,’ says dean of students. ‘This is the one test we like to fail.’