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Suicide survivor will help others learn to tell their story

San Juan Basin Public Health to hold training to spread message of hope

Woman found dead from self-inflicted gunshot wound

Sheriff says woman left note for authorities

Middle school students develop strengths to handle challenges

Attorney General’s Office funds program to promote suicide prevention

Students learn to protect their minds from toxic stress

Techniques build resiliency, prevent trauma from shaping lives

Legislature sends suicide prevention bills to governor

Children as young as 12 could seek care without parental consent

Motorcycle rally to raise funds for suicide prevention

Ride will start in Farmington, end in Durango

Bayfield School District’s new online monitoring helps identify students in crisis

Gaggle helps prevent suicide and school violence

Residents identify top health concerns in two-county region

Suicide, substance abuse and lack of affordable housing lead survey

Schools rethink discipline, with focus on learning and empathy

Restorative practice emphasizes healthy relationships, breaking cycles of misbehavior

Youth screened regularly for vision, hearing. What about mental health?

A record number of Coloradans died by suicide in 2017

Suicide-prevention bill would allow youths 12 and up to seek their own care

Payment systems could present challenges

Authorities identify man who died last week near Hermosa

Anthony Kaszowski, 57, worked in La Plata County