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‘Layaway Santa’ brings Christmas cheer to Durango’s Walmart

A man who requested anonymity paid off everything in layaway at the Durango Walmart on Friday. The grand total: $16,700. About 80 people had items on layaway, including...

Walmart greeter reinstated

After talks with family, store offers Bayfield man his job back

Wal-Mart says it wants greeter back, but family uncertain

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said Tuesday it is offering Durango store greeter Matt Wood his job back. However, when contacted Tuesday night, Jessica Wood, Matt’s wife, said she is unclear if a meet...

Disabled greeter fired for clocking in late after lunches

A Bayfield man who suffered a brain injury in 2005 and has been working as a greeter at Walmart in Durango was fired Monday, setting off outrage among those who know him. Matt Woo...