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Eight applicants apply for La Plata County court judge opening

Public can submit comments regarding qualifications of candidates

Jury awards victims of Durango bathroom voyeur $3.5 million in damages

Weeklong civil trial accused business owner of invasion of privacy

Durango business owners hit by predatory lawsuits

Sixteen federal complaints filed by single plaintiff in ruse that’s become old hat to attorneys

Man charged with first-degree murder in Bayfield stabbing faces competency hearing

Damitre Burch was a juvenile when arrested for the crime

PNM customers continue to pay for San Juan coal plant that’s no longer operating

New Mexico Supreme Court approves utility’s request not to issue state-ordered credits, potentially for years

Purgatory Resort suing Forest Service in water rights dispute

Conservation of cutthroat trout lies at core of the conflict

Litigation filed against shareholders of Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory

Company seeks reimbursement for alleged fraudulent behavior

Trial begins for muzzleloader accused of shooting, killing bowhunter in San Juan National Forest

Pennsylvania man charged with criminal negligent homicide and hunting in a careless manner

District judge in Durango resigns

Health issues cited for Todd Norvell’s departure

Wolf Creek Village plan loses third legal fight for access road atop Wolf Creek Pass

Texas billionaire has spent 36 years vying for access to an inholding where he plans a resort village for 10,000 residents

Often skipped vote for judges could make all the difference

La Plata County voters have the option to retain or dismiss two judges in November

Rep. Lauren Boebert sued for libel by American Muckrakers PAC

Lawsuit alleges Boebert defamed organization after it published allegations against her