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Shiprock man pleads guilty to involuntary manslaughter

Sentencing has not yet been scheduled

City of Durango to appeal open records lawsuit it lost in March

Olivier Bosmans says dispute should never have come to lawsuit

Durango fugitive arrested for threatening retired district judge

Text messages sent by man who previously appeared before court

Murder suspect, who was 17, to stand trial as adult for killing Bayfield Speedway clerk

Damitre Burch faces 40 years in prison for 2021 homicide

Durango man sentenced for hitting man with his car

Brian Kruse will serve three years at halfway house in Durango

Judge to determine if Bayfield murder suspect can be tried as an adult

Court hears testimony about stabbing death and Damitre Burch’s mental acuity

Former Bayfield HOA board member pleads guilty to theft

Wendy Crane agrees to pay $63,642 in restitution to Clover Meadows homeowners association

Under new control, water on the way for mobile home park west of Durango

Contracted buyer takes over Lightner Creek, providing much-needed cash

Los Pinos firefighter pleads guilty in domestic violence case

Firefighter can no longer work at same department as firefighter he assaulted

23 days without water: mobile home park owner ordered to explain

State seeks to sanction owner for contempt following court order

Election-denying former Colorado clerk guilty of obstruction

GRAND JUNCTION – A former Colorado clerk who has become a hero to election conspiracy theorists was convicted Friday of a misdemeanor obstruction charge for trying to prevent authorities fro...

Durango resident wins open records lawsuit against city

2021 draft financial statements to be made public