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14 ways to treat yourself: A solo gift guide

One of the best things about being single around the holidays is that you don’t have to spend time and money on the perfect gift for a significant other. Instead, you can drop that cash on y...

The last words we sent each other

Do you remember the last text, email or voicemail you got from someone who’s no longer in your life? Maybe it’s from an ex, a former friend or a loved one who’s died. You might revisit those...

Replacing dictatorship with discussion

As a mother of two tweens, I’ve read all the books about discipline, but realized they are all forms of one idea: the control and management of children. It’s oxymoronic: We also ...

Why an engagement ring is so expensive – and what to do about it

It’s that time of year when plenty of couples are either getting engaged or shopping for rings. Nearly 40 percent of engagements happen between November and February, with Decembe...

Five dream proposals that are truly dreamy

There’s no dreamier dream for romantics – single or coupled! – than the marriage proposal. Even if you’re against the grand gesture, you probably have some idea of how lovely and perfect tha...

Why the Satanic Temple's spokeswoman is blogging her abortion

On Nov. 18, Jex Blackmore, the national spokeswoman for the Satanic Temple, was pregnant. She felt nauseated and tired, but knew that she couldn’t tell anyone why she was spotted throwing up...

Women will make units stronger

Last week, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter directed that all jobs in the U.S. military be opened to women. The announcement provoked strong reactions, but all sides concurred that we cannot ...

Your husband still has no idea what he's getting you for Christmas

WASHINGTON – I’m not sure exactly when my wife finished her Christmas shopping, but it seems like a long time ago. And ever since, she’s been issuing me subtle warnings disguised as question...

Living together is basically the same as marriage, study finds

It has been long understood that marriage provided more emotional health benefits than cohabiting or dating. But that’s showing signs of shifting. Young people are choosing to liv...


Q: This morning, I needed two cookies to get my 2-year-old son out of the house to go to day care. One cookie was for putting on his coat, and the other one was for getting into the car seat...

What happened when our family created a new holiday

“Let’s make a new holiday,” my older son said one night while we were finishing up with a bath. “What kind of holiday?” I asked. I was skeptical. Between birthdays and anniversari...

Worrying too much about friends' problems

Q: I think I take on other people’s messes and drama way too much. My boyfriend asks me “Why do you care so much?” when I get really upset about what other people go through. Case in point: ...