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What happened when our family created a new holiday

“Let’s make a new holiday,” my older son said one night while we were finishing up with a bath. “What kind of holiday?” I asked. I was skeptical. Between birthdays and anniversari...

Worrying too much about friends' problems

Q: I think I take on other people’s messes and drama way too much. My boyfriend asks me “Why do you care so much?” when I get really upset about what other people go through. Case in point: ...

Holiday card greetings: Dear ... Mr. and Mr.? Ms. and Ms.? Help!

Q: With the great progress made on the marriage-equality front, I’m now confused about how to address holiday cards to gay, married couples. It seems clear enough for two men (“Mr. and Mr.”)...

Your kid likes comics? That's a good thing, says this librarian

It’s been a long while since serious comics readers felt the need to point out that sequential art has come a long way, that much of it is sophisticated and both narratively and emotionally ...

Boomers are ready to retire from holiday hubbub, but their kids won't let them

Like many baby boomers, Maryann Johnson has worked tirelessly to produce a magical Christmas for her family. The basement of her Bethesda, Maryland, home has a special storage clo...

Why death is common in kids’ films and how parents can cope

LOS ANGELES – In the latest Pixar release, “The Good Dinosaur,” little Arlo’s dad is dramatically washed away by a raging river. And Arlo isn’t the only animated hero to lose a f...

These comedians know why you’re single – and they’re here to help

Comedians Laura Lane and Angela Spera aren’t single anymore. (Lane is married and Spera is in a relationship.) But they know how hard it can be: “Everybody is kind of confused about what the...

Singles' greetings: When it's just you, what do you put on your holiday card?

When Beth Tarini got engaged in 2013, she was quick to tell her new fiance that he wouldn’t be in all of the photos on her annual holiday card. For nearly a decade, Tarini sent ho...

Sandra Bullock and how we talk about adoption

Like every Sandra Bullock fan – and who isn’t? – I was happy to read about the latest addition to the actress’ family. The Oscar winner, star of “Gravity,” “The Blind Side” and “M...

Getting the picture, but missing the story

I was at my daughter’s school recently for a sweet ceremony where each graduating senior presents a rose to an incoming first-grader. I sat in my chair, filled with anticipation at seeing my...

Back to work ... with baby in tow

It was a sunny Wednesday morning, and I thought I was on my way to having it all. Seven weeks postpartum, I was driving my sedan, returning to work at the Colorado nonprofit that had employe...

I didn’t fantasize about a wedding – until I put on my great-grandmother’s dress

The mice had shown no mercy. They chewed right through the organic linen garment bag I’d bought to protect my great-grandmother’s wedding dress. Granted, even before the rodents, ...