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I'm a terrible date - but I'm working on it

I am the worst date. I will scrutinize, analyze and dissect you, in order to find any and every flaw, regardless of how insignificant. I guarantee that, by the end of the night, y...

Do grooms still ask in-laws for their blessing before proposing? Here's why I did

I got engaged recently. Before I proposed to my girlfriend, Megan, whom I’ve been dating a little more than a year, I wanted to ask her father for his blessing. I’ve met him before, and we g...

Campaigning for your heart: How the 2016 presidential candidates might act on a first date

Which candidate would you most like to have a beer with? Every four years, when America chooses a new president, that question gets asked. We would like to update that tradition a...

Why did everyone stop asking if I've met someone?

I turn 42 in a few months, and I’ve been single for a long time, despite efforts to find a mate. I used to frequently get asked whether I am dating anyone, interested in someone or plan to g...

These occupations get the most right swipes on Tinder

Tinder is built around the profile photo. You make snap judgments – aka left or right swipes – about someone based on their cute, kooky or creepy snapshots. But since the app star...

Why do I attract so many married men?

I met him at a food-industry event. I lingered around his booth at the conference after he smiled and complimented my purple eyeglasses. We rolled our eyes at ourselves talking about how har...

Study: Transgender children allowed to live openly fare well

CHICAGO – Young transgender children allowed to live openly as the gender they identify with fared as well psychologically as other kids in a small study that suggests parental support may b...

In romantic comedies, it's cute; in real life, it's stalking

Imagine this: A man named Ted hires a private detective to track down his prom date from 13 years ago. The detective finds her, falls in love with her, lies to Ted about the object of his af...

I’ve been single all my life – I rarely get lonely

Because I’m single and live alone, people who don’t know me very well sometimes wonder whether I lead a lonely life. I can tell you exactly how long I can spend completely alone, with no fac...

When it comes to relationship advice, sometimes it's best to ignore your friends

“So you think I’m leading you on?” he asked me, a confused and hurt look painted on his face. “I mean, I don’t know ... everyone keeps saying that you are,” I stammered out. ...

'A total mystery': Father of the bride goes missing at California wedding reception

Prasad Moparti attended a wedding reception last weekend in Northern California – a joyous event celebrating his daughter’s marriage. But he walked away from the party in the Sacr...

How to find peace and goodness with your kids

When my oldest daughter was little we used to go for long walks in our neighborhood. I stayed a half step behind, ready to catch her. Sandy ringlets bounced on her head with each step, and h...