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Is my therapist slut-shaming me?

Q: I am working with a therapist who thinks that I am sleeping with too many people. I am in my mid-20s and dating and, yes, occasionally have one-night stands and do not have guilt about it...

Two things that could keep the new Barbie from being the success it should be

Barbie’s recent overhaul is big news and good news because the unattainable, narrow beauty ideals to which she’s contributed have needed to be challenged and dismantled for decades. But thou...

A surprisingly sensible take on raising teen girls

Finally, there’s some good news for puzzled parents of adolescent girls, and psychologist Lisa Damour is the bearer of that happy news. Damour’s new book, Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Th...

They never wanted an arranged marriage. But they said 'I do' to its best parts.

Sahil Rajan hadn’t yet figured out how to upload his profile picture to eHarmony, but when the site’s matchmaking voodoo put forward a brown-eyed New York City beauty who also professed an i...

A father's celebration of more than the Super Bowl

I have my grocery list in front of me. It reads: licorice (black, red, chocolate), M&M’s (regular and peanut), Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Snickers, Three Musketeers, doughnuts, Raisinets, jelly bean...

Lorna Jorgenson Wendt, who sought half of husband's assets in divorce, dies at 72

Gary C. Wendt became chief executive of GE Capital Services, the largest and most profitable branch of General Electric, in 1985. His wife, Lorna Jorgenson Wendt, ran the family’s million-do...

If a child is uncooperative, cultivate a strong connection

Parenting coach and columnist Meghan Leahy answered questions recently in an online chat. Here is an edited excerpt. Q: My 3-year-old has been so incredibly difficult recently. Ev...

A nightmarish bedtime routine

Q: My two girls, ages 3 and nearly 7, share a room but will not go to sleep unless each has a parent by her side until she passes out. Anything less, and it’s complete waterworks and screami...

Unfinished business: A feminist calls out her feminist grandmother

BOULDER – Shira Frank and her grandmother, Helen Redman, sat next to each other on a couch in a living room lined with art, talking about the things that connected them: namely, blood, love ...

Go ahead and talk politics on a first date

On a first date, would you talk about Hillary Clinton’s private email server or Donald Trump’s feud with Megyn Kelly? During an election season, politics are bound to come up – and that’s a ...

To catch the OkCupid or Tinder rush, log on from 9 to 10 p.m.

The combination of new year’s resolutions, cold weather and the proximity to Feb. 14 help make this the biggest time of the year for online dating. With all the extra fish in the ...

I tried to nurture my boyfriend out of his depression – it only made things worse

“Come back to me,” I’d say to my boyfriend while we were in bed together. Physically he was right there, but mentally he was miles away. “I want to,” he’d reply. “I really do. I j...