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KSUT takes deeper dive into history, mission

KSUT is grateful for the opportunity to take a deeper dive into the nuance of its history and mission, as a follow-up to this week’s story in The Durango Herald, focusing on our collaborativ...

Our View: Need leadership now on homelessness

With today’s deadline to vacate Purple Cliffs, we’re thinking about artist Wendy Abrams’ stirring exhibit, “Invisible Words,” a curation of signs held by unhoused people in Washington, D.C. ...

Editorial cartoon: Iranian women

Our View: Citizens Agenda model serves voters over politicians

Election season gives the editorial board a front-row seat in meeting and getting to know candidates, whether it’s in person or on Zoom. The way it usually goes is candidates give us an elev...

Editorial cartoon: Monty Python

Our View: Science is in: Lonely people don’t vote

Lonely people are less likely to vote. This is proven. Alexander Langenkamp’s study “Lonely Hearts, Empty Booths?: The Relationship between Loneliness, Reported Voting Behavior and Voting as...

Editorial cartoon: Bused migrants

Editorial cartoon: Biden and COVID-19

Our View: Honor vets with Camp Hale monument

Camp Hale and the Tenmile Range, which produced the 10th Mountain Division with alpine soldiers who busted through German lines and changed the course of World War II, are in dire need of st...

Our View: Mushrooms to treat mental health: Pass Initiative 58

In the treatment of mental health, psilocybin is too promising to ignore. For this reason, along with legalization’s removal of a criminal element, we support passing Initiative 58, the meas...

Editorial cartoon: Garage sale

Editorial cartoon: Militarizing the North Pole