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Editorial cartoon: Garage sale

Editorial cartoon: Militarizing the North Pole

Wes Rowell: On election coverage

Editorial cartoon: Will take that bet

3 approaches to community values

Three recent articles in The Journal shared three approaches to community issues. Pleasant View neighbors don't want to see solar panels on their neighbor's property because they'd rather se...

Our View: Each transaction says yes or no to inflation

Inflation is front and center in the midterm elections. But don’t fall under the sway of candidates who claim the superpower of inflicting real-time effects on inflation. They don’t have it....

Editorial cartoon: Student debt

Our View: D&SNGR: To wave or not to wave

Lately, letters about the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad’s train whistle have taken up real estate in our Opinion section. One letter-writer steered the conversation toward a new ...

Wes Rowell: Dr. Fauci says goodbye

Our View: 4-day school weeks poised to be Southwest standard

Historians are at odds over why school calendars begin in the fall and summer is the season for breaks. Some say children helped on farms in summer. Others says cities were sweltering in Jun...

Editorial cartoon: Report card

‘Leo’s character pillar of his life’s work’

What is broadly known about Leo Lloyd’s tragically condensed life are his heroic and legendary international level mountaineering search, and rescue skills and saves. What I hope to add – i...