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Southwest Colorado responds to MeatOut Day by celebrating meat

Durango barbecue just one of many celebrations of livestock industry

How to prep, cook and enjoy stuffed artichokes

I love artichoke hearts and buy them throughout the year in jars, cans and frozen to slip into dips, salads and stews, but when spring approaches and the lovely classic green globes start sh...

How to care for your wood cutting board so it lasts a lifetime

It’s easy to take for granted things that are always there for you. As much as this applies to the important people in your life, what I’m talking about here is in the kitchen – the items yo...

Newly remodeled Columbine Bar & Grill to open next month

Family-oriented establishment will feature new menu

Give lasagna a boost of bold flavors with hot Italian sausage and tangy goat cheese

I can’t think of any good reasons I hadn’t been making lasagna with regularity, until recently, that is. Ingredients I like? Check. Make-ahead potential? Check. Feed a crowd? Check. Lots of ...

Pity poor celery, the last stalk standing when storms clear out the supermarket produce aisle

NEW YORK – The produce shelves of the Whole Foods Market in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, looked like the aftermath of a robbery. It was 9 p.m. on the night before the third New York Ci...

Lady Gaga Oreos are an extra-sweet mystery wrapped in an enigmatic pink wafer

Since they were released in late January, Lady Gaga Oreos have generated a lot of words, many of them from writers who want to give us an idea of how the pink-and-green cookies taste. It’s a...

A guide to cornmeal, grits and polenta – and how to know when to use them

If you’ve ever searched for ground corn in the dry goods section of your grocery store, you know: It can be rather confusing. There’s cornmeal and grits and polenta, oh my! Cornmeal is avail...

Durango scouts collect food, money for food bank

Troops ‘pleasantly surprised’ by amount donated

This cauliflower hater likes the vegetable one way only: Pickled

If you want to get me flowers for Valentine’s Day, I like irises and hydrangeas. Bonus points if they’re purple. If you want to get creative and know I like to cook, some fancy fl...

Cabbage, white beans and spicy sausage give this hearty one-pan dinner a little bit of everything

Over the past year, many of us have (re)discovered the wonders of cabbage. Thanks in large part to its long shelf life during a time when many Americans are grocery shopping less...

Taco Bell is debuting a chicken sandwich that looks a lot like a taco

Taco Bell is getting into the Great Chicken Sandwich Wars in the most on-brand way possible: The chain is set to debut a “sandwich taco” featuring the crispy chicken patties that have all bu...